Friday, January 30, 2009
Loves her. And HIM.
"Our president's approval rating is somewhere between pictures of baby pandas on the Internet and Free Beer."
Project Playlist Project
Insomniac idea...I just opened a Project Playlist account specifically for amateursketch. My mission is to get those of you who read this (hey, Ma!) to suggest songs, building the world's most powerful, most amazing music list EVER. I rather like the idea of interactive cooperation and we can all access this list to impress people at various social gatherings. Those of you who want to participate, I opened a gmail account for the playlist login: The password information for both can be passed along to those who want to play and show off their musical knowledge, taste, etc. I know I am friends with music shine on, superstar.
*Leave a comment, or meet me at my porch, for the pw info and let's get building. Or not. Whatever.
*Leave a comment, or meet me at my porch, for the pw info and let's get building. Or not. Whatever.
“My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them.”
As much as my mentality has been described as "ancient," and as much as many of my qualities are "typically Capricorn," I tend to be ruled by passion/hope, often to my detriment. I found this quote tucked away in some writing recently. It meant something to me years ago, and seems particularly apt now. Thanks, Jack. Lately, reminding myself this has helped me not fall apart and put things into perspective. I have, in very visible ways, been guided by my passions. I do not regret them...I so rarely lose myself that I welcome those moments of passionate escape. I do wish that I had more control over my heart but, I am not wired that way. In the business of life, relationships, breaking up, it is difficult to avoid being consumed by regret; for me, this is always of product of feeling like my voice is being ignored. Yet, no regret over how I feel, felt. I would do it again.
As much as my mentality has been described as "ancient," and as much as many of my qualities are "typically Capricorn," I tend to be ruled by passion/hope, often to my detriment. I found this quote tucked away in some writing recently. It meant something to me years ago, and seems particularly apt now. Thanks, Jack. Lately, reminding myself this has helped me not fall apart and put things into perspective. I have, in very visible ways, been guided by my passions. I do not regret them...I so rarely lose myself that I welcome those moments of passionate escape. I do wish that I had more control over my heart but, I am not wired that way. In the business of life, relationships, breaking up, it is difficult to avoid being consumed by regret; for me, this is always of product of feeling like my voice is being ignored. Yet, no regret over how I feel, felt. I would do it again.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
One of my missions in life was accomplished late this evening. After a hilariously raucous birthday celebration for 2/3 of the male household (big love to Neil, PSwain...and Tom Selleck and Oprah!) I drove home blaring MGMT. Still jamming in the parking lot, an equally inebriated group of mid-towners approached and starting dancing outside of my car. I joined in and we spent the next 6 minutes dancing in the parking lot. I was so pleased...sweaty and smiling, I realized that your future tattoo is on point, Erin...everything will be ok. Viva la vida and fucking smile, because this shit isn't so bad.
*Also, I will never forget dancing to this song en la DF with my best lady. Awesome show, rounding out one of the best trips of my life. I promise to be as enthusiastic when this song plays at your indie-tastic wedding.
Rosi, we are doing it!
Paris. Feb. 20th. Kings of Leon. You. Me. Public drunkeness, drugs, cigs, sex on fire.
Typical Capricorn.
Capricorn Personality: December 22 - January 19
by Jill M. Phillips
Capricorn is the tenth sign of the astrological year and is known by its astrological symbol, the Goat. Capricorn individuals are controlled, conscientious, and practical. With Saturn as the ruling planet, people born under this sign are self-disciplined and hard-working. They are highly efficient and dedicated to becoming a success.
Below you’ll find general characteristics for the Capricorn man, woman, child, lover, and friend. At the bottom of this page, you’ll find links to articles with detailed personality profiles for every day that falls under the Capricorn sign. Read on to see if the characteristics ring true for you or the Goat in your life.
The Capricorn Man
The Capricorn man will often conceal things about his life for little reason. Being defensive comes naturally; he is afraid that if he allows himself to be open, he will be exposed. This is why he seems so serious. With those he trusts he shows his wicked sense of humor and good nature. He is principled, though he keeps his beliefs and philosophy to himself. Capricorn men are often devoted to their career, which can make them seem distant regarding family responsibilities.
Capricorn InformationElement: Earth
Quality: Cardinal
Planetary ruler: Saturn
Birthstone: GarnetFlower: Carnation
Color: Grey
Key characteristic: AmbitionS
trengths: Discipline, patience, structure
Challenges: Inhibited, depressed, rigid
The Capricorn Woman
Capricorn women have a cool, standoffish charm. Elegant and glacial, they may seem unapproachable. Actually, this is a mask to hide their vulnerability. Capricorn individuals are afraid of "losing face." They fear criticism and can't abide being forced to be self-critical. This woman is competitive, though she is usually more interested in besting her own efforts than those of rivals. If she is not involved in an outside career, she will turn her home into a career. She is a good, if overly strict, mother and expects the best from her children.
The Capricorn Child
Capricorn children usually seem to be miniature adults who are serious and a bit world-weary. Although smart, they may lag behind other children developmentally. They may have a fear of trying particular skills because they are afraid to fail. For them to succeed, parents must be gentle and supportive. As he or she grows, so grows the confidence. They have leadership skills that can be helpful in adjusting to this phase of their development.
The Capricorn Lover
The Capricorn lover may seem cautious and a bit cold but can be downright naughty! Capricorns' biggest problem is confidence. They always worry that a love interest will prove faithless. Capricorns respond well to domestic life because it provides stability. Once they fall in love and commit, the typical Capricorn is unlikely to jeopardize the union. They place great importance on personal happiness.
The Capricorn Friend
Although they may seem to lack many traits that attract friendship, Capricorn men and women make loyal and caring friends. Because they love stability, Capricorn men and women gain something special from long-term friendships.
To learn about each day under the Capricorn sign, see:
December 22 Birthday Astrology
December 23 Birthday Astrology
December 24 Birthday Astrology
December 25 Birthday Astrology
December 26 Birthday Astrology
December 27 Birthday Astrology
December 28 Birthday Astrology
December 29 Birthday Astrology
December 30 Birthday Astrology
December 31 Birthday Astrology
January 1 Birthday Astrology
January 2 Birthday Astrology
January 3 Birthday Astrology
January 4 Birthday Astrology
January 5 Birthday Astrology
January 6 Birthday Astrology
January 7 Birthday Astrology
January 8 Birthday Astrology
January 9 Birthday Astrology
January 10 Birthday Astrology
January 11 Birthday Astrology
January 12 Birthday Astrology
January 13 Birthday Astrology
January 14 Birthday Astrology
January 15 Birthday Astrology
January 16 Birthday Astrology
January 17 Birthday Astrology
January 18 Birthday Astrology
January 19 Birthday Astrology
For more information about astrology, see:
Birthday Astrology
by Jill M. Phillips
Capricorn is the tenth sign of the astrological year and is known by its astrological symbol, the Goat. Capricorn individuals are controlled, conscientious, and practical. With Saturn as the ruling planet, people born under this sign are self-disciplined and hard-working. They are highly efficient and dedicated to becoming a success.
Below you’ll find general characteristics for the Capricorn man, woman, child, lover, and friend. At the bottom of this page, you’ll find links to articles with detailed personality profiles for every day that falls under the Capricorn sign. Read on to see if the characteristics ring true for you or the Goat in your life.
The Capricorn Man
The Capricorn man will often conceal things about his life for little reason. Being defensive comes naturally; he is afraid that if he allows himself to be open, he will be exposed. This is why he seems so serious. With those he trusts he shows his wicked sense of humor and good nature. He is principled, though he keeps his beliefs and philosophy to himself. Capricorn men are often devoted to their career, which can make them seem distant regarding family responsibilities.
Capricorn InformationElement: Earth
Quality: Cardinal
Planetary ruler: Saturn
Birthstone: GarnetFlower: Carnation
Color: Grey
Key characteristic: AmbitionS
trengths: Discipline, patience, structure
Challenges: Inhibited, depressed, rigid
The Capricorn Woman
Capricorn women have a cool, standoffish charm. Elegant and glacial, they may seem unapproachable. Actually, this is a mask to hide their vulnerability. Capricorn individuals are afraid of "losing face." They fear criticism and can't abide being forced to be self-critical. This woman is competitive, though she is usually more interested in besting her own efforts than those of rivals. If she is not involved in an outside career, she will turn her home into a career. She is a good, if overly strict, mother and expects the best from her children.
The Capricorn Child
Capricorn children usually seem to be miniature adults who are serious and a bit world-weary. Although smart, they may lag behind other children developmentally. They may have a fear of trying particular skills because they are afraid to fail. For them to succeed, parents must be gentle and supportive. As he or she grows, so grows the confidence. They have leadership skills that can be helpful in adjusting to this phase of their development.
The Capricorn Lover
The Capricorn lover may seem cautious and a bit cold but can be downright naughty! Capricorns' biggest problem is confidence. They always worry that a love interest will prove faithless. Capricorns respond well to domestic life because it provides stability. Once they fall in love and commit, the typical Capricorn is unlikely to jeopardize the union. They place great importance on personal happiness.
The Capricorn Friend
Although they may seem to lack many traits that attract friendship, Capricorn men and women make loyal and caring friends. Because they love stability, Capricorn men and women gain something special from long-term friendships.
To learn about each day under the Capricorn sign, see:
December 22 Birthday Astrology
December 23 Birthday Astrology
December 24 Birthday Astrology
December 25 Birthday Astrology
December 26 Birthday Astrology
December 27 Birthday Astrology
December 28 Birthday Astrology
December 29 Birthday Astrology
December 30 Birthday Astrology
December 31 Birthday Astrology
January 1 Birthday Astrology
January 2 Birthday Astrology
January 3 Birthday Astrology
January 4 Birthday Astrology
January 5 Birthday Astrology
January 6 Birthday Astrology
January 7 Birthday Astrology
January 8 Birthday Astrology
January 9 Birthday Astrology
January 10 Birthday Astrology
January 11 Birthday Astrology
January 12 Birthday Astrology
January 13 Birthday Astrology
January 14 Birthday Astrology
January 15 Birthday Astrology
January 16 Birthday Astrology
January 17 Birthday Astrology
January 18 Birthday Astrology
January 19 Birthday Astrology
For more information about astrology, see:
Birthday Astrology
"Aloha Zen."

Proof that formality and rigidity do not prove competence; short article on the "casual" environment of the Obama White House. Interesting to have a glimpse into what it's like...I think the level of calm, openness will breed an effective atmosphere, essential to sound decision-making in a time of chaos.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
I gotta cut loose...
Kevin Bacon (weird that I am quoting him?) on sustaining a healthy/blissful relationship: "Keep the fights clean and the sex dirty." Agreed.
multiple coffees during a delightful maude's date.
multiple beers during a scandalous Big Lou's lunch.
multiple thrift stores throughout an afternoon of hunting.
multiple foodstuffs purchased for a delicious dinner.
multiple glasses of wine during dinner, games and cigs.
multiple moments where i felt really good.
not a day of distractions but i day where i was reminded of where my heart should be.
proud of us.
Na na na na....Oh, David.
Also, listening to "Book I Read" by Talking Heads. Perhaps will take on the project of compiling list of songs pertaining to/mentioning books or authors. Perhaps. It's all vaguely useless anyway.
Tommy Stinson, Bite your tongue.
Listening to....
You've got the answer for everything that's wrong with everybody else
You've borrowed insights
Should have borrowed someone else's mouth
And I have
Seen you fallin through the door
When no one would even help you off the floor
You dyed your hair you read Bukowski now and live by every word
You'd look the part
If not for the clothes you wear that you're wearing out
And I, heard from a man named Seth
That life, don't come to those who wait for death
When you kiss and tell
You leave a mark Til someone else bites your tongue
You've got your poets and now
Your singers singing show tunes in the car
You weren't so clever
In your flowered prints and your ghetto scars
And I, want to watch the sunset on the beach
Yeah, it's always been too far from my reach
You took a turn at Silver Lake
And now you're calling it your home
Too bad you can't grow up
You're growing down in your wedding gown
And I, swear to god I've seen this play before
Yeah, I smelt the popcorn on the floor
When you kiss and tell you leave a mark
Til someone else bites your tongue
You've got the answer for everything that's wrong with everybody else
You've borrowed insights
Should have borrowed someone else's mouth
And I have
Seen you fallin through the door
When no one would even help you off the floor
You dyed your hair you read Bukowski now and live by every word
You'd look the part
If not for the clothes you wear that you're wearing out
And I, heard from a man named Seth
That life, don't come to those who wait for death
When you kiss and tell
You leave a mark Til someone else bites your tongue
You've got your poets and now
Your singers singing show tunes in the car
You weren't so clever
In your flowered prints and your ghetto scars
And I, want to watch the sunset on the beach
Yeah, it's always been too far from my reach
You took a turn at Silver Lake
And now you're calling it your home
Too bad you can't grow up
You're growing down in your wedding gown
And I, swear to god I've seen this play before
Yeah, I smelt the popcorn on the floor
When you kiss and tell you leave a mark
Til someone else bites your tongue
yes, exactly.
"What really knocks me out is a book that, when you're all done reading it, you wish the author that wrote it was a terrific friend of yours and you could call him up on the phone whenever you felt like it."-J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye
freaky, freaky dream.

"If you took a couple of David Bowies and stuck one of the David Bowies on the top of the other David Bowie, then attached another David Bowie to the end of each of the arms of the upper of the first two David Bowies and wrapped the whole business up in a dirty beach robe you would then have something which didn't exactly look like John Watson, but which those who knew him would find hauntingly familiar."
-The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy: So Long and Thanks For All The Fish, Douglas Adams
-The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy: So Long and Thanks For All The Fish, Douglas Adams
Monday, January 26, 2009
forgive me.
late night cigarettes and muscle relaxers that refuse to "kick in." can feel the weight of the past that is literally behind me. i can see an ex, whose face is illuminated by laptop light and venture a (prob. correct) guess at what he is reading. can hear friends laughing and moving on; she mentioned once that the "world goes on without you." like antarctica related sayings, this is the truth.
an inhalation flashes a complete thought that i can no longer recall--something about foreign-familiar scents. you can still feel people even when they are no longer around. its a cardinal that visits every afternoon, a contact lens case with half-empty pools of saline, a long-forgotten/never-returned borrowed book. in this vein, songs are torturous; some make you kiss the sky, others must be changed upon hearing the first note. please don't ruin the Arcade Fire.
who needs tattoos when you have relationships? there is no surgery to remove the marks/scars (?) that people leave behind. how long does it take to get over hope?
This is why you are my best lady.
"...just don't fill in the things you haven't seen with expectations...that's what we all do and its just so damn deceiving."
you get me. its a shame we aren't lesbians because i would steal you away, purchase a little cottage on a lavender farm and make tea, listen to standards with you for the rest of my days.
Its not raining coffee.
Am working on perfecting cafe con leche; am adding my creamer addiction to the mix by boiling equal parts skim milk and french vanilla creamer, wisking that into a delicious, frothy foam and pouring into the special cat mug filled 1/4 of the way with coffee.
I tell you this because everything else is private.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
N.E.E.T Magazine
Discovered N.E.E.T during the fall yet forgot to share this discovery...blame university. However, loooonnnggg work day provides ample time for Internet-ing. Somehow, N.E.E.T and I were reintroduced; I am pleased and willing to share. The best part? Lots of links that tend to lead to further awesomeness, art, fashion, etc. Enjoy, lovelies.
Lucier, this is you.

The Sartorialist website is magnificent and requires a daily visit...Sart photographs beautiful images of street style; while some of the subjects are clearly models or involved in the industry (with some celebrities along the way...Andre 3000 snapped in Florence was amazing,) most are incredibly stylish "regular" folk. This gives me hope. Today's visit yielded this photo and the ensemble shouted "Lucier." You have these pieces, or something resembling, be proud, you fashionable bitch. Also, you stand that way.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Colwyn Thomas

Both his art, words speak to something in me.
Yes, Palahniuk...exactly.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Sunday, January 4, 2009
feeling domestic. baking from scratch, following traditional family recipes. felt good to disappear into my thoughts, to be productive, to watch the anticipation cross their faces as I pulled each tray out of the oven. think i did well...we shall see.
discovering how much i enjoy to cook, bake. its soothing and satisfying.
also, i get to see you soon.
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