Wednesday, December 3, 2008


As I mentioned in my "introduction" at the start of this blog-situation, I wasn't certain how my ideas would take shape. It seems this space has become more of a photo-album than a journal. I don't know why this is...perhaps because it is much easier to upload photos than it is to actually verbalize my ideas, particularly in this VERY FUCKING BUSY time of my life. Also, while the majority of images reflect events that most of you have participated in, dear reader (s?,) part of my reason for starting this was to show those people I care about that aren't involved in my day-to-day what the fuck it is that I am doing. **cute run-on, Ron** I would like to think that I will write more following graduation, or pamps' return...perhaps after the holidays, when I pay my credit card bill off, when Obama takes office...who knows? Stop pressuring me. This little link naturally lends itself to my next point...I have no idea what voice I am writing in (or want to write in) at any given moment. Nor do I have any idea who this is addressed to. I like to pretend that I am sending out these measly ideas into the void...without attention, consequence, judgment. So when I write something along the lines of a command (see link!) its not to you (or is it?) This does sound eerily like a conversation...hmm. Maybe this blog is a post-it note to myself, reading "Time to confront your neuroses. And don't forget to pay Cox." Perhaps it will remain a photo album, reflecting my fear of social networking sites yet desire to share snap-shots of my life with someone. I'm still hesitant about getting too private; contrary to popular belief, I am quite reserved and like to keep certain things sacred. I fear that if I get in the habit of being too honest or revealing too much, I will not be able to take it back. And you might know too much. And then I would have to kill you. Don't quite know what precipitated this post, but I do know that I feel better. Don't you? Let's hug this one out.

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