Waiting for people to wake up to go drink coffee with Roland Wise at the 301-24 in Waldo-- unlimited boug buffet with gay activist owner...yes, please!
Smoking a cig and drinking with own coffee concoction when Choco started to get sassy with a homeless man's dog--a maltipoo (the spelling of that I will never be certain of.) Got to talking with the man whose legs were crushed in a car accident in 1985. Anyone who knows me knows I attract life stories; there must be something about my face that says that I am a willing listener to anything/everything you have to say. I haven't decided if it's one of my best or worst qualities. TBD.
We spoke for about 20 minutes and he departed with this: "I refuse to believe that life is a paint bucket that fell off some truck...Every color is determined, its on purpose. Yall just need to keep your eyes open for your own palette." A bit confusing, but what Richie said had some real truth to it, I think. Presently trying to figure out my own palette.
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