I wish you all a lifetime of health, productive bowel movements, satisfying friendships and orgasms, travel and productivity, peace and pancakes.
I am not a fan of resolutions so I never make them, but I do have a list of desires that I would like to share.
In 2009, I hope to...
read more
reject complacency
work on my art (for you...actualizing your passions?)
travel. often. with all of you. (I would settle for some of you.)
correspond more with those who are not present in my day-to-day
work on my health...recognize my fallibility, deal and act accordingly.
calm my ass down. nothing (or few things) is (are) THAT serious.
put myself first more often. I don't condone selfishness, but one deserves to be the star of their own existence.
save money. because its a smart thing to do.
cook more often.
dedicate myself to relationships that are fulfilling. rid myself of those that are not.
stand up for myself. exercise my power of "no."
perfect my french toast recipe.
serve humanity in a way that my President, my mother and the universe would approve of.
find a job that satisfies me and the desire above.
Love to all of you. Fucking rock out tonight...I send you e-kisses at midnight and in general. Besos para siempre.
La patria celebrates: Cinco pa' las 12
I think a few of these you kind of do quite well already (I'm thinking mostly of the "excercise no" one). but that's cute. Can't wait to break all of these with you! Smooches.
i just say "no' TO YOU. don't want to enable or anything. Smooches.
i think optimism and your sense of purpose work hand in hand. i am as eager as anybody to see what you do with the world as you have all the tools for success and nothing but yourself to hold you back. which is yet another compliment, because you have an excellent strength of character. in regards to what you posted, well you inspire that in me. "i dont mind if you dont mind, i dont shine if you dont shine". we are all powerful elements and the bonds we make (excuse the chemistry allusions) can be incredible. we can make each other the best possible versions or ourselves or let indifference and self involvement mire us down. so, here's to a new year, a calendar's way of starting over and picking up where we left off. i cant wait to see you, because i have missed you greatly and i need you to help me decorate my new apartment. and i will be requiring a hug. you can check your watch while doing so if you like. you are one of the few who inspires awe and exasperation in me. to what you do, to what you are capable and to what you allow limit you.
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