Thursday, December 4, 2008

Daoist core values...

This serves as an example of the Daoist strategy of non-action as a means to achieve the optimal state of harmonic integration between the various dimensions of life; this does not imply sitting idly by but rather emphasizes non-artificial action, or an understanding of the practical experience of nature's creative power.
"The more prohibitions and rules,
The poorer people become.
The sharper people's weapons,
The more they riot.
The more skilled their techniques,
The more grotesque their works.
The more elaborate the laws,
The more they commit crimes.

Therefore the Sage says:
I do nothing [wuwei]
And people transform themselves.
I enjoy serenity
And people govern themselves.
I cultivate emptiness
And people become prosperous.
I have no desires
And people simplify themselves."

Something to think about...

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